LTE Permanence

I moved my cell service to Verizon and was able to add a “connected device” for $10/mo that has 16GB of LTE speeds then unlimited 600kbps afterwards, so I picked up the USB730L to go in my work backpack in place of the USB800, which now lives in the Pelican case and will be used ... Read More

Back to 6 Months Ago

After much brooding on all of this and realizing that I was running in circles as mentioned in the last post, I’ve decided to stick to the FortiWiFi as the portable setup. It integrates well with the other 2 FortiGates I have, and the advanced hardware support contract isn’t that expensive, so I’ll keep it ... Read More

A Little Sanity

So, I’m starting to think maybe I’m barking up the proverbial wrong tree with the setup. Sure, pfSense is awesome and having a proper managed switch will be nice and an actual AP vs. built-in radios is the better solution, but what am I doing except running myself in circles trying to figure out how ... Read More

A New Different Idea

I keep going back to pfSense it seems. Background info: my company has been doing a company-wide infrastructure refresh, and one of the “victims” was an old Alcatel-Lucent (Aruba) AP-115, which I took home with me. Therefore, it needs a project. What better than to modify Internet-in-a-Box further? Sounds like a plan to me! The ... Read More