It works! We’re set with a replacement for the AF23 to use with the USB800.
Big props to their support for getting back to me quickly after hours!
The biggest question now is: what device do we use? Since I’m planning on having the USB800 as the primary connection, it really means, well, whichever we want.
Let’s run through the choices:
- Mikrotik hAP ac Lite
- SonicWall TZ300 wireless-AC
- Fortinet FortiWiFi 50E-2R
- pfSense on PC Engines apu2d0 (or other similar device)
- Some other consumer-grade router
By far the most versatile of the list because of the passive PoE out port that could run a WiFi CPE as well as enable “single cable” power for the Proxicast. It also has a built-in switch, though we almost never have wired devices. Lack of external antennas is the biggest disadvantage for this one, but let’s be real: how far away from the room do we need access? Probably not very far. Sadly, this may one day be unsupported by the latest RouterOS, but considering the use case, that may be not an issue.
This one’s biggest disadvantage is the wireless card is one band or the other. One small one is the USB port being on the front, but that’s just a nitpicky annoyance because the aircard does work connected directly. It does, however, have a built-in switch. Probably should have a support contract, and will eventually be unsupported by the latest SonicOS.
No major disadvantage besides, like the TZ300w, the USB port is on the front and it carries a support contract. This works well with the aircard plugged directly in, but like the TZ300w will one day no longer be supported by the latest FortiOS. However, it does have a built-in switch also.
I’ll be honest: pfSense is bae💛 which makes me want to actually make it work in the case. The only actual disadvantage of this is, well, FreeBSD’s WiFi drivers and their… issues. But that’s okay! I know the cards to use and the settings to tweak. USB ports are right by the “WAN” NIC and PC Engines makes good stuff. Lack of a built-in switch isn’t too bad. Small switches are cheap enough should we need one, and there’s one wired port besides. I just wish they’d make one in the alix3 form factor again… The best advantage this has is the non-proprietary nature of pfSense and FreeBSD, so artificial support removal is a nonissue.
Just no. Maybe for a remote repeater for silliness’ sake, but otherwise no.
Looking at that list, It’s going to be pfSense or MikroTik going forward. It’s time for more Visio fun…
Until next time!