Well here we are, a month after the last post.
I’ve got a permanent address now, and I have proper Internet again.
My roommates and I moved in a couple of weeks ago, and we were getting by using the hAP ac2 with the aircard. It had its moments but worked flawlessly. T-Mobile LTE is strong in this apartment, so any future testing can be easily done here.
We have gigabit fiber here, so I will be able to test the Cisco ON100 again soon. I’m also likely going to colocate again once I have everything moved up here, so that will give a good iperf3 target.
Sadly, my new ISP doesn’t offer static IP addresses, at least at this point, nor do they have native IPv6, so it’s back to dynamic DNS updates and probably a HE tunnel. This isn’t ideal, as I’ll have to mess with Netflix AAAA records, but we have a 4 ms pingtime to HE’s Seattle endpoint now, so that will probably work better than the ISP’s 6rd gateway.
Regarding future usage of the portable setup: I have plans to set the Pelican 1450 up in a semi-permanent configuration similar to VK5ZEA’s Pelican case-based portable ham radio hotspot. This will effectively give us “one wire” power and accessible hookups for Ethernet LAN and USB or wired WAN. The WAN will be either the existing LTE aircard, the GL.iNet Slate in WiFi client mode, wired Ethernet, or if I buy back into Calyx, their 5G hotspot. The likely path is Calyx as I’m a bit loathe to dedicate the aircard to this case since it does get use for work from time to time, albeit less and less as of late.
Once I’ve got more testing on the ON100 done, I’ll post more. For now, though, true stability both in the case and home situation has got me feeling better about things lately. But alas, life goes on…
Until next time!